I'm Lucas,
Full-stack developer

My hero avatar, just a photo of myself

I care a lot about developing products for positive impact! I can build APIs, Websites, Mobile Apps, and much more...

My hero avatar, just a photo of myself


Years of Experience


Handled projects




Years of Experience

About me

I'm an experienced software developer focused on build apps for any size company. I have experience to develop your backend API, your frontend and your mobile app. I have 6+ years of experience.

What could I help you?

I work with technologies such as NodeJS, ReactJS, React Native, NextJS, NestJS, Flutter, Docker, AWS, Databases and much more. Please don't hesitate to contact me to find out what I can do for you!

My services

I care a lot about developing products for positive impact! I can build APIs, Websites, Mobile Apps, and much more...

Companies who already trusted my work

My professional experience

I've worked for small and big companies around the world, and I can work for you as well.

Latest projects

Please take a look on my portfolio below to see my experience developing and creating digital products

Take a look on my LinkedIn and Github:

Get in touch

You can contact me by Whatsapp, e-mail or LinkedIn!

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Lucas Ferreira

 | Full-stack developer

© 2023 by Lucas Ferreira. All Rights Reserved